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Re: removing debian-consultants list

Hi, I sympathize with your need for fresh apps.

--- cameron@clueinc.net wrote:
> I've taken to setting up the
> CPAN shell to install in /usr/local or another location, for PostgreSQL
> I rebuilt the unstable package against stable and set up a package
> archive.
> Neither of those is a satisfactory solution in that they're a little
> risky and complicate maintenance 

I build radical OS's and modify apps extensively.  I also try to as much
testing and other snooping as I can.  Plus I rebuild my boxes constantly so, I
just create in /opt/<app_name>, I keep all the libraries right in
/opt/<app_name>/lib (to prevent clashes) and build in ../src

When I need the app on a new box, I have an ssh/tar/bzip2 script called get_it
and drop it into /opt.  Gnome is a huge area for fresh stuff, esp wrt to kids
and games.  Not to mention, say, SSH

Ultimately I would like to allow "cd /opt; wget <stuff> | tar zxvf -" access to
these apps so that people with tiny systems such as LinuxBIOS could load
smaller stuff, at least, directly into VFS memory on boot.

> Are there enough Debian consultants out there for us to get organized
> about this issue?  Is there an appropriate way to use consulting revenue
> as a motivator for package maintainers?

You mean pay for packages ??  Sure, Paypal !!  Oracle would be worth paying

>   Can we pool resources and set up our own managed hosting environment?

Cool idea, a base data-center and sattelites machines in all those ISPs.

> A lot of that revolves around the same central concept:  a federation or
> collective of small, specialized consulting businesses that loosely
> organize for particular purposes.  Maybe this list would be a good place
> to start one.

With globalization there is a UN effort to make open source the common system. 
They would call you, or debian for that matter, a "civil society", I am hoping
to get support for some interesting long-term projects based on the probability
that the global networks will grow 10 times in the the next 10 years.

http://itu.int/wsis/  <-- look at that top-level domain

Very possilby these folks would be interested seeing such a service available.

> I'm happy to help 
> Good luck,

Groups are tough, and while there is great reward, members expect stuff to be
done ~for~ and not ~by~ them, so maybe a grant or something to get some
concrete services going which in turn would pay for servers and possibly
professional services of various kinds.
> Cameron Ashby <cameron@clueinc.net>
>   http://www.clueinc.net

Cool client sites.

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