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Re: old Debian 12 AMI showing up when trying to launch in AWS eu-west-2

On Fri, 26 Apr 2024 at 21:23, Noah Meyerhans <noahm@debian.org> wrote:
> You're using the Quick Launch wizard, or whatever it's actually called,
> right?  That is, not the Marketplace and not the specific AMI IDs listed
> at https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Bookworm ?

Yes, but not as my preferred way to launch.  Was just raising the fact
that the old AMI was suggested there.

> The quick launch wizard is something that AWS needs to update; we have
> no control over it at all.  We'll publish 12.6 AMIs as soon as it is
> released, at which point I'll ping my contacts at AWS and get it
> updated.

Sounds good, thanks for explaining how it works.

> In the meantime, I recommend using either the Marketplace listings or
> the AMIs listed in the SSM public parameters.  Query those with, e.g.
> $ aws ssm get-parameter --region eu-west-2 --name /aws/service/debian/release/12/latest/arm64

Useful, thanks.


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