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old Debian 12 AMI showing up when trying to launch in AWS eu-west-2

Hopefully this is the right place to flag this.

I see from https://wiki.debian.org/Cloud/AmazonEC2Image/Bookworm that
there are new Bookworm AMIs published, as of 15/Apr/2024.  However, if
(in eu-west-2 / London at least) I try to launch a Debian 12 EC2
instance, using the plain old 'Launch Instance' button (not the
Marketplace), and I search for Debian, I am still given the previous
AMI (ami-06bd7f67e90613d1a for AMD64) from 13/Oct/2023, instead of the
new one (ami-01860d6b53d015072).  This is the only result under the
default 'Quickstart AMIs' section of the results.

I guess we'd like the newest one to show up there?

Sorry if this is a quirk of AWS, and the process to update this is
on-going.  :-)

Many thanks, Andy

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