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overlayroot removed in 2013, put back please?

in 2013 "remove overlayroot completely from cloud-initramfs-tools"
overlayroot useless without kernel module overlayfs

The situation has changed in the meantime:

I'll be happy to test, it should be easy as overlayroot has not
changed in 9 years:

if I wget/install from ubuntu's repo, it works.

ps - there is bilibop-lockfs, but it does not work with nfs, which is
a solution for  netbooting diskless clients. Which is what I am doing.

"This package can be used as an alternative to fsprotect or overlayroot,"

bilibop-lockfs tries to determine the block device / is mounted on,
and doesn't accommodate nfs.  overlayroot works because it -o move
whatever is mounted.

Given it fails for the nfs case, should I file a bug against
bilibop-lockfs docs?

Carl K

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