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Bug#929263: cloud.debian.org: /usr/sbin not in default $PATH

On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 11:26:00AM +0200, Jorge Barata González wrote:
>    Vagrant image debian/stretch64 v9.6.0
>    /usr/sbin is not included by default in $PATH
>    ```
>    vagrant@stretch:~$ service
>    -bash: service: command not found
>    vagrant@stretch:~$ /usr/sbin/service
>    Usage: service < option > | --status-all | [ service_name [ command |
>    --full-restart ] ]
>    vagrant@stretch:~$ echo $PATH
>    /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
>    ```

That path is set from /etc/profile, which is not modified by the vagrant
images from the default that Debian installs. /usr/sbin is not in the
default PATH in Debian normally.

If you want to discuss changing this project-wide, we could certainly do
so, but that would be quite a bit broader in scope than


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