Re: gitlab-ci for test jobs
Hi Ross
On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 04:38:32PM -0700, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> First complete pass at a framework for running tests is here:
> It's working, you can see the last run at:
Yeah. There are nice echo calls. Will take a look at the code changes later.
> This is the simplest config I could find that has a separate test job for each
> build job. It's complex and verbose. Makes it hard to know that all of the
> cases are covered.
Yeah, I know that Gitlab does not really help for such cases.
> One alternative: extend the .build job scipt to run tests after FAI. The
> benefit: a new build job automatically gets tests run without manually creating
> a new job. The downside: if a job fails, you have to dig through logs to
> determine if the build failed or if the tests failed.
Please don't. It also makes it harder to get results from the
> If we go with separate jobs, we could add a CI-linting stage before the build.
> This could check the pipline to ensure e.g., every build has a test, only
> official builds get run on casulana, etc.
We could go for a generated file approach. Sure, you need to be careful
then, but I think the advantages are greater. It would also avoid some
gitlab-runner limitations, like non-recursive variable expansion and
allow adding the git-sha1 to the dev build version.
Deflector shields just came on, Captain.
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