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Re: debian.org organisation on GCP [was: Re: Vagrant box CI/CD]

On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 08:38:06PM -0400, Jimmy Kaplowitz wrote:
> Last step before I proceed with registering within G Suite is to do a
> bit more research on how to differentiate between the two domains in
> Google Cloud IAM, even if they share a G Suite account. Currently making
> inquiries with people who would know.

I think I've realized how I can test this before we've committed too
extensively to the path I'm proposing. I've followed up on the thread
with DSA, making the one technical request I need to verify the domain
with Google, and asking their input on some policy questions like who
should create @debian.org Google accounts under what criteria while the
process remains manual in the short term.

Stay tuned - though it turns out you're already CCed on the thread with
DSA, so you have the full context already.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

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