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Re: NM process advocacy Tomasz Rybak

On Sat, Dec 09, 2017 at 08:04:38PM +0100, Tomasz Rybak wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I opened NM process to become DD.
> If anybody would like to give some advocacies, here's the link:
> https://nm.debian.org/process/411/advocate

Tomasz Rybak is long time Debian contributor.
 ( https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=tomasz.rybak%40post.pl )

That matches

  When you advocate a person, you are saying that they need and should get
  unsupervised upload rights on the entire archive, right now. In the past
  some people were advocated who at the time had not yet done any Debian
  related work. Please only advocate people who have contributed to Debian
  already, don't advocate someone that you expect will get involved in
  Debian later on. Having to cancel an application, or having someone
  disappear while in the NM process, is a waste of time and motivation for
  everyone involved.

  As such, we prefer that people who want to apply to NM have been active
  in Debian for a while already, and have built up some experience. In the
  last few months, we've already redirected some people to the DM process
  when we felt that they were not ready to become a DD yet, and we will
  continue to do so. Please consider this an official policy as of now.

as https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2010/05/msg00003.html

Are at this mailinglist persons for

  I have personally worked with NAME <EMAIL> <GPG KEY FINGERPRINT> for a
  sufficiently long time and I know NAME can be trusted to have full,
  unsupervised, unrestricted upload to the archive right now.


Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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