>while using the Debian 8.4 Vagrant Image I discovered the following: - The 8.4 Image runs well on Virtualbox but the KVM Version fails to start - The 8.4 Image for Virtualbox can be converted to KVM via Vagrant Mutate but fails to start as well Both approaches lead to the same bootloader error by syslinux, I attached you a screenshot that shows the message. The 8.3 Image works well when converted to KVM via Vagrant Mutate. >If you need some more Informations, don't hesitate to contact me. Hope that I could help smash a bug :) >Best regards Hey Roman I don't use the libvirt based myself yet, so I am forwarding your email to debian-cloud. Do you get the same error when you convert from vagrant mutate ? The Virutalbox boxes use grub2 inside so the message should be different.
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