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Re: [vagrant] issues with jessie64

Le 23/04/2016 23:25, Martin Zobel-Helas a écrit :
> Hi,
> today i tried a vagrant box from https://atlas.hashicorp.com/debian/.
> I have several issues with that box:
> * Why is apt-listchanges installed on that box? That is way away from a
>   default installation.
> * Why does it come with a MTA installed? For a vagrant image i would had
>   expected to ship a minimal installation without a "default" task
>   installed.
> For my understanding of a vagrant box to play with, this box comes with
> way to many software pieces installed by default. I do not understand
> why it needs things like apt-listchanges, bc, exim, rpcbind, telnet or
> whois installed in a minimal vagrant jessie image.

Hi Martin
Thanks for you interest and suggestions.

The aim of the Vagrant box is not to be a reduced package set for a
docker-like setup but to produce an experience similar to a standard
debian environment. This is is why we installed up to now all packages
of priority "standard"  (and this is why apt -istchanges sneaked in)

You can see the choices of packages currently used here:

Reducing the package set  to 'Important' could be an option but I don't
want to select packages individually, because I don't think the choice
of packages installed should differ from what the installer does.

Any thoughts on Standard vs Important on this list ?


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