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Re: NoCloud cloud-init datasource

On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 10:49 PM, Cliff Rowley <cliffrowley@gmail.com> wrote:
Right, I'm not sure if this is related to your problem there but it could be. Change in linux and udev means that network interfaces may not be predictable (which many have argued that is ironic considering the aim of the change).

For example this instead of eth0 depending where you run the image too:

#! /bin/sh
cat <<EOF> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eno16780032.cfg
# The primary network interface
auto eno16780032
iface eno16780032 inet dhcp

If the 'generic' image is configured for eth0 you won't have networking.

The problem I had with that image was that eth0 was being defined in both /etc/interfaces and then in /etc/interfaces.d/eth0 after NoCloud - basically Ubuntu and cloud-init (or something therein) was throwing a hissy.  I'm not using the Ubuntu image for anything anyway, it was purely an experiment at that point.
I guess that could be a downstream bug.

Also, I was under the impression that changes in udev were not meant to apply to virtual machines.  Did I misread that?
I don't think there is any discrimination here, its whatever it runs on.

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