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Re: Using openssh package from backports in backports debian image on GCE

Dnia 2014-03-24, pon o godzinie 08:58 -0700, Himanshu Vasishth pisze:
> Hey folks
> I just wanted to follow up on this and see if there is any feedback on
> this. Should I assume that silence means there are no concerns? Please
> let me know.

How do you intend to introduce this change? I assume that you'll add
new entry to /etc/apt/preferences.

I've been working on moving scripts building GCE images to bootstrap-vz;
you can find the latest version in my repository:
in branch gce.
There is task in providers.gce.tasks.apt.PreferKernelsFromBackports
which makes apt prefer kernels from backports.
It creates file in /etc/apt/preferences; maybe, if there is more
people interested in using packages from backports, it would
make sense to add manifest entry describing such cases?

Best regards.

Tomasz Rybak  GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
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