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Using openssh package from backports in backports debian image on GCE

Hello everyone

I work on Google Compute Engine and wanted to discuss some changes to the backports images which is available on GCE. Specifically this is about the image named backports-debian-7-wheezy-vXXXX. We would like to change the image to include openssh package (and dependencies) from backports repository.

We recently did some performance testing and found that the openssh package in backports have a set of changes which increase the performance of ssh command 2x. Since this is a significant improvement, we would like to update the backports image that is available on GCE to install the openssh package from backports repository. We would obviously run all of our test cases after the change to ensure that their are no functionality issues.

Given that the image is clearly labelled as backports and the description calls this out as well, we feel that this will not be a disruptive change.

Note that the debian-7-wheezy-vXXXX images which use the stable repositories will not be changed as part of this so users of that image will not be impacted.

I wanted to get the feedback from the community on this proposal. I will go ahead and make the changes to the build scripts to install this package if this sounds like a reasonable plan. Please let me know.


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