Date : 27 sept. 2013 07:49
> > vagrant provider does not install Guest Additions (as in contrib), so vagrant image has a few restrictions (shared folders...)
> It should actually be part of the VirtualBox provider. I'll see if I can find the time to add that.
For the moment, the vagrant box creation is not in my vagrant branch in github ,I manually do it from the generated vmdk. I expected to find a variant that would remove VB dependency.
I wil not focus on additions in the manwhile.
> Anders
> On 26 September 2013 13:17, olivier sallou <> wrote:
>> Hi Anders,
>> I have a provider for Vagrant that works fine, but following our previous discussion on VirtualBox and many tests, it appears that VirtualBox does not accept qemu-img converted vmdk files (vmdk headers issues).
>> Vagrant needs a vmdk disk to work.
>> To get a vmdk file accepted by virtualbox, we need to convert the raw image to vmdk with VBoxManager commands from VirtualBox. This means we need VirtualBox as dependency on Host (not image).
>> I could not find any converter doing correctly the job for virtualBox.
>> As I said, it is in contrib. However, when generating Vagrant images, it would make sense that user will have VirtualBox to test the image etc...
>> Regarding packaging of the build-debian-cloud, we could put vagrant provider as a separate package in contrib itself.
>> PS: vagrant provider does not install Guest Additions (as in contrib), so vagrant image has a few restrictions (shared folders...)
>> Olivier
>> --
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