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build-debian-cloud Debian version

I see in manifest schema that for the moment only wheezy is supported. Do you plan (and did you tested) to add Jessie?

I have a question regarding opennebula plugin (and may raise for other plugins/tasks).
For the moment, I have included the opennebula deb file in the plugin. I have now uploaded to deb repo the package, so it will be soon available in testing.

I expected to change the plugin to add the package as a dependency, instead of embedding it in build-debian-cloud. However I just think that it will not be found in wheezy.

So, in general, what is the strategy ?

- add my deb file to backports ? (why not...)
- keep it embedded 'till it is in a stable version

 Could I say to my plugin to depend on backports plugin and add package on backports if I detect that release is wheezy else add to includes of image packages.


gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (keyring.debian.org)
Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D 8438

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