Updated euca2ools to 3.0.0-1.
Dear all,
I just updated euca2ools to version 3.0.0-1. Thanks to Thomas Goirand for
packaging python-requestbuilder, which euca2ools 3.0.0 uses in replacement for
Boto, and thanks to Brian Thomason for the ping, as I did not pay attention
that python-requestbuilder exited the NEW queue two weeks ago.
Here is the changelog.
> Changes:
> euca2ools (3.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
> .
> 14bc124 Pulled upstream tag 3.0.0
> 156c1fe Recommend openssl for euca-get-password.
> fbaa65b Stopped to use the Python libraries boto and m2crypto, and started to
> use lxml, requestbuilder, requests, setuptools and six.
> b96b52a Install conf/euca2ools.ini as example file.
> 3104f05 Stop setting DEB_DH_BUILDDEB_ARGS now that Dpkg defaults to xz.
> a99df07 Use Debhelper 9.
> 575dccb Remove Boto and M2Crypto in the description: not used anymore.
Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan
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