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About creation of images for Amazon AWS and Windows Azure

Hello to all debian-cloud followers,
in my company we are starting using debian and so I want to "acquire" experience on that. What attract me is your efforts to create an infrastructure to publish debian on every cloud platform. As maybe you have seen I written a previous message and ask where I can find a procedure to create a debian wheezy image from scratch and publish it on Windows Azure: I want to do it "just for fun" and obtain more knowledge about the process.
I have also read the various messages on the list about debian and amazon and the publishing on it: as with Windows Azure I'd like to undestand and find material about the creation from scratch of a debian wheezy image to publish..as I said.."just for fun".
I'd like to do that to compare the 2 processes and maybe create 2 guides about it and help debian and people in this effort.
For Amazon images, for example, I'm bit confused: I've seen that there is a toolkit to do that (and I understand you are packaging it to use in Wheezy) but in a response on the list I read a suggestion to use Debian Installer; for Windows Azure, for example (and even for Amazon), I'd like to know what to do after I create my image in my pc (someone call it "on premise"?).
I'd like to create a complete guide for both cloud Platform (maybe hereafter for other cloud platforms) to create an image from scratch until the publishing.
I see this pages :
and they seems to me not so simple to understand; so could someone help me to start on these and do some test?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Marco Mangiante


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