Re: managing Huawei accounts
Hi Martin / SPI
On 2022/02/17 13:58, Paul Gevers wrote:
For we have several hosts at Huawei sponsored by them. We
(Aron, who arranged the sponsorship and manages the account and the
debian-ci team) would like to manage the resources in an account
associated with Debian. I brought the subject up in the past (see some
of the tread below) with the cloud team, and they deferred to you for
the handling of the creation of an account. As I understand it, the
account for AWS is "owned" by SPI. I guess we should do the same for the
Huawei account. Can you help us forward? Huawei is now ready to transfer
the credits to another account.
Can you please advice on the above? It doesn't seem like something that
should be complicated or take too much work, Paul and Aron should be
able to provide some more details too if needed.
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