debian-ci May 2021 by thread
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Help on deploying debci Gumansingh, Smita
Bug#988156: breezy breaks breezy-loom autopkgtest: FAILED (failures=4) Paul Gevers
Bug#988166: breezy breaks check-manifest autopkgtest: brz: ERROR: No module named 'dulwich' Paul Gevers
Bug#988167: breezy breaks silver-platter autopkgtest: not equal: a = 'ssh://',b = 'git+ssh://' Paul Gevers
Bug#988249: golang-github-getkin-kin-openapi: flaky autopkgtest: output order changed Paul Gevers
Bug#988250: golang-go.opencensus: flaky autopkgtest: timebased test causes mismatched expectation Paul Gevers
Bug#988495: node-millstone: autopkgtest needs update Graham Inggs
Bug#988604: plocate: autopkgtest regression: plocate and mlocate can't be co-installed anymore Paul Gevers
Bug#988835: xfig: flaky autopkgtest on ppc64el and s390x: Get the /MediaBox of pdf files FAILED ( Paul Gevers
Bug#988836: moment-timezone.js: autopkgtest regression since January 2021 on several countries Paul Gevers
Bug#988909: lintian-brush: autopkgtest failure and FTBFS Graham Inggs
Bug#988998: lava: autopkgtest needs update for new version of pyyaml Paul Gevers
Bug#989059: intel-mkl: autopkgtest regression since February 2021: libgcc-8-dev removed Paul Gevers
Debian CI trophy case John Scott
Re: autopkgtest for security archive Paul Gevers
The last update was on 12:40 GMT Thu May 27. There are 24 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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