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autopkgtest: locale specific test cases Bug#947894: mkl-dnn: autopkgtest regression: 'CL/cl.h' file not found Bug#947896: wal2json: autopkgtest regression: output different Bug#947903: rust-cbindgen: autopkgtest failure: can't create /usr/share/cargo/registry/cbindgen-0.12.1/tests/expectations/alias.compat.o: Permission denied Bug#948093: hyphy: autopkgtest regression: Duplicate analysis keyword Bug#948097: libbio-db-hts-perl: autopkgtest failure: Can't locate Bio/SeqFeature/ in @INC Bug#948159: mmdebstrap: autopkgtest issue: +libcrypt1:amd64 in chroot Bug#948161: phpmd: autopkgtest regression: Failed opening required ../../../vendor/autoload.php Bug#948167: plplot: autopkgtest regression on arm64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ No such file or directory Bug#948302: mmdebstrap autopkgtest fails on arm64 while it should probably return neutral Bug#948453: python-dmsh: autopkgtest regression: No module named 'perfplot' Bug#948454: python-numpy: autopkgtest regression: tests/capi: 89: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") Bug#948455: ruby-byebug breaks ruby-pry-byebug autopkgtest: missing versioned Breaks Bug#948458: sympy breaks octave-symbolic autopkgtest: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Singleton' and 'FiniteSet' Bug#948459: sympy breaks yt autopkgtest: FAIL: Create units with strings and check attributes. Bug#948746: django-classy-tags: autopkgtest failure: No module named 'django_classy_tags' Bug#948929: mawk: autopkgtest regression: new output to stderr Bug#948930: python-socksipychain: autopkgtest regression: No module named sockschain Bug#949038: python-watson-developer-cloud: autopkgtest regression: No module named 'watson_developer_cloud' Bug#949039: redmine: non-installable in unstable Bug#949045: symfony: autopkgtest regression: fails and loads of *warnings* on stderr Bug#949148: python-pyepsg: autopkgtest regression Bug#949252: mat2: autopkgtest needs update for new version of libimage-exiftool-perl Bug#949276: python-limits: autopkgtest needs update Bug#949279: r-cran-devtools: autopkgtest regression Bug#949281: r-bioc-tximport: autopkgtest regression Bug#949361: r-cran-ranger: autopkgtest regression on some architectures Bug#949434: licensecheck: autopkgtest failure: Can't locate App/ in @INC Bug#949437: postorius: FTBFS and autopkgtest failure (needs update for new version of mailmanclient Re: Bug#949658: Different tests for r-cran-recipes - "wrong" test prevents migration of r-cran-testthat Bug#949658: r-cran-rlang: autopkgtest regression Bug#949659: r-cran-parameters: autopkgtest regression Bug#949676: pyspread: autopkgtest failure: deprecation warnings on stderr Bug#949677: mesa breaks build of kcrash, konsole and libkscreen as tested in autopkgtest migration setup Bug#949778: ruby-oembed: autopkgtest needs update for new version of gem2deb: missing skippable restriction Bug#950226: ruby-rails-timeago: autopkgtest needs update for new version of gem2deb Bug#950227: ruby-mime-types: autopkgtest needs update for new version of gem2deb Bug#950228: ruby-kaminari: autopkgtest needs update for new version of gem2deb Bug#950229: ruby-flipper: autopkgtest needs update for new version of gem2deb Bug#950230: gitlab-shell: autopkgtest needs update for new version of gem2deb Bug#950249: pagekite: autopkgtest failure: times out Bug#950311: fastqc: autopkgtest regression: debhelper bump moved files to different location Bug#950317: libsvm: autopkgtest regression: test depends on non-existing package svm-tools Different tests for r-cran-recipes - "wrong" test prevents migration of r-cran-testthat Package migration stuck on test in progress The last update was on 10:40 GMT Fri Jan 31. There are 51 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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