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Re: Stretch release party, in Beijing (Was: Stretch release party)

TL;DR: This is a reminder about how to enter Tshinghua University on June 17. See below for detailed info.


在 2017年6月14日星期三 CST 上午11:49:40,Boyuan Yang 写道:
> 在 2017年6月9日星期五 +08 下午4:47:17,Tong Hui 写道:
> > Wiki updated. But still needs some extra info.
> > 
> > On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 8:54 AM, Chris Lamb <lamby@debian.org> wrote:
> > > Hi Boyuan.
> > > 
> > > > I just had a discussion with Tong Hui and Tsinghua TUNA Association
> > > 
> > > about the
> > > 
> > > > schedule around Release Party. Here's an appropirate arrangement:
> > > Excellent! Can someone update the wiki with this info with locations,
> > > links, addresses etc.?
> > > 
> > > https://wiki.debian.org/ReleasePartyStretch#ReleasePartyStretch.2FChina.
> > > 2FBeijing.China:_Beijing
> 中文摘要:
>         6月17日下午将在清华大学举办 Debian 9 发布庆祝活动,欢迎各位的参与。详细活动安排请见
> [1] 的 Debian Wiki 页面。
> [1]  https://wiki.debian.org/ReleasePartyStretch/China/Beijing
> --------------------------------------------
> Hello all,
> As you might know, we are going to have a party to celebrate the release of
> Debian Stretch (Debian 9) in Beijing.
> We have (finally) finished the arrangement for the activity. Do check out
> our Debian Wiki page for detailed information (time table, transportation,
> maps, etc)! (See https://wiki.debian.org/ReleasePartyStretch/China/Beijing)
> Plain text is copied here as follows:
> ==================================
> When: 2017年6月17日下午2时(北京时间) || June 17, 14:00 CST (UTC+8)
> Where: 清华大学李兆基科技大楼B-558(Tsinghua University Lee Shau Kee Science and
> Technology Building, B-558)(Map)、魔豆咖啡(Model Coffee (Tsinghua Branch)(Map
> OSM, Map Google))
> What: Debian Stretch Release Celebration, some free talks, Q&A, GPG signing,
> etc. Some food/drinks in a cafe later that day.
> Provided: Debian GNU/Linux stickers from the DPL, Stickers from LUG@USTC,
> location for 50 people, a projector?
> Bring: Yourself with laptop or other device, GPG keys/fingerprints (if any),
> some money (if wish to join dinner/cafe, avg price RMB ¥60 or higher)
> Detailed info:
>     Time Arrangement:
>         14:00 -- 16:30 Meeting, talks and discussions in Lee Shao Kee
> Sci&Tech Building B-558
>         17:00 -- 19:00 Food, drinks with free discussions in Model Coffee
> (At your own expense)
> Transportation:
>     Underground/Metro: 北京地铁十三号线五道口站下车,西行至清华大学(Line 13 at Wudaokou Station,
> go west and enter Tsinghua University from South Gate)
>     Taxi: 清华大学南门(South Gate of Tsinghua University)
> Regards,
> Boyuan Yang

为以防万一,请参加活动的外校人员打印如下文档并填写自己的名字 [2]:

Tsinghua University is holding enrollment tests between June 16 and June 18. During this period of
time you might encounter difficulties on entering university campus. In case you are questioned by security
personnels by chance, you may print the document in [2] and replace "xxx" with your name and show
out the paper accordingly.

[2] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aN_-uMhrfwxy-EYcNzOODOULysuPjresEm9ukdBwQrs/edit

这样可能对您产生不便,在这里表示歉意。若确实入校存在困难,本次 Stretch Release Party 还有在校外部分的活动
(17点开始,详情见上文链接 [1]),也欢迎继续参加。

Sorry for any inconvenience. In case you are blocked and not allowed to enter the campus, part of the
Stretch Release Party is still being held outside the campus (see the link in [1] above, start at 17:00) and you
are welcomed to join us there.

Boyuan Yang

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