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Re: aptitude的帮助信息有一个小小的不妥

于 2011年09月02日 22:26, wolf python london 写道:

aptitude的帮助信息中  动作(action)的名称也被翻译成中文了

wolf@debian:~$ lsb_release  -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux testing (wheezy)
Release:	testing
Codename:	wheezy

wolf@debian:~$ aptitude -h
aptitude 0.6.3
用法: aptitude [-S 文件名] [-u|-i]
        aptitude [选项]<动作>  ...
   动作 (如果未指定,aptitude 将进入交互模式):

  install      - Install/upgrade packages.
  remove       - Remove packages.
  purge        - Remove packages and their configuration files.
  hold         - Place packages on hold.
  unhold       - Cancel a hold command for a package.
  markauto     - Mark packages as having been automatically installed.
  unmarkauto   - Mark packages as having been manually installed.
  forbid-version - 禁止 aptitude 升级到某一特定版本的软件包。
  update       - Download lists of new/upgradable packages.
  safe-upgrade - Perform a safe upgrade.
  full-upgrade - Perform an upgrade, possibly installing and removing packages.
  build-dep    - Install the build-dependencies of packages.
  forget-new   - Forget what packages are "new".
  search       - Search for a package by name and/or expression.
  show         - Display detailed information about a package.
  clean        - Erase downloaded package files.
  autoclean    - Erase old downloaded package files.
  changelog    - View a package's changelog.
  download     - Download the .deb file for a package.
  reinstall    - Download and (possibly) reinstall a currently installed package.
  为什么       - 显示需要另一软件包的手动安装的软件包,或者
  why-not      - Show the manually installed packages that lead to a conflict
                 with the given package, or why one or more packages would
                 lead to a conflict with the given package if installed.

就是最后倒数第二个 "为什么"  应该是 "why", wheezy上是这样,不知道squeeze和sid里的情况


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