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Re: TeX, LaTEX on debian - gb



From: "YL" <elim@pdtnetworks.net>

> 哪位知道在debian (etch) 如何设置和使用TeX, LaTEX软件包, 使cjk work?

As the package maintainer for latex-cjk (and its subpackages), I can
say that CJK 4.7.0 works pretty much flawlessly on Debian (teTeX3 or
TeXlive).  The CVS version that Debian is using, dates from
2006-10-19, and is more or less up to date.

Four fonts have already been packaged: one KaiTi and one MingTi font
for both Traditional and Simplified Chinese.  They can be used in a
Unicode environment without problems.

The Debian README also explains how to get the DFSG non-free Bitstream
Cyberbit fonts working.

> 我的主要兴趣是中文数学, 图象及五线谱的编写, 这是我装debian的主要
> 目的. 谢谢各位帮助.

Maths and music shouldn't be a problem.  For music I'd recommend PMX,
since it's easier to use and acts as a preprocessor for the much more
complicated MusixTeX.  I've tried CJK with MusixLyr a few years ago,
and it worked flawlessly.  (I'm hosting the example PDF file
temporarily here: http://users.edpnet.be/vanmeel/TeX/liangzhilaohu.pdf .)

You are right about cTeX: it contains a few more fonts, but I'm not
sure about the licenses.  Once I have found out, I will package them
for Debian if they are DFSG-free.

Nevertheless, the Debian README provides you with all the steps
necessary to compile and install any font you'd like in CJK, either in
GB, Big5 or UTF-8.





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