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Displaying Chinese and English in Licq


	I upgraded to testing and installed licq 1.0.3 yesterday.
Everything is alright but some minor problems occur in typing messages
with both english and chinese. When I set the font to ttf-arphic and
choose the big-5 encoding, only chinese can be displayed correctly. If I
choose the iso-8859-1 encoding, only english can be displayed. Both
chinese and english can be prompted when unicode is selected. However, the
english characters are not as good as those with iso-8859. 

	Can this be amended? Does this problem occur in testing only? By
the way, is there any documentation on the format of .fontguess in Qt? 

Lincoln Leung 
Department of Electronic Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

I have already uninstalled xa+cv as mentioned in the mailing list
archives. Here is the content of my .fontguess:

helvetica ming 
courier ming 
times ming 
lucida ming 

| This message was re-posted from debian-chinese-big5@lists.debian.org
| and converted from big5 to gb2312 by an automatic gateway.

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