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debian chinese issue / [PATCH] po 修正


前幾天灌了 debian 入電腦, 有點事項想反應一下. :-)

(1) zh_TW/ zh_CN 的英文字體大了一點, 如果可以將他變小一點就好了.
(由 size 16 改為 size 12). 這會另不少使用 gtk 的application (mozilla,
xmms 等等) 在世決上好看得多.

我修了的 gtkrc fontset 如下:

style "gtk-default-zh-tw" {
        fontset =

style "gtk-default-zh-cn" {
       fontset =

(2) XftConfig 沒有 arphic truetype 的 anti-alias entry, 不把 arphic 放大
也不可以看清楚. 可以參考一下我的 ~/.xftconfig (從 Mandrake 的Xftconfig
抄過來的) :

dir "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arphic"

# chinese gb2312
match any family == "Kaiti"     edit family =+ "AR PL KaitiM GB";
match any family == "Sungti"    edit family =+ "AR PL SungtiL GB";
match any family == "sans"      edit family =+ "Sungti";
match any family == "serif"     edit family =+ "Sungti";
# chinese big5
match any family == "Kaiti"     edit family =+ "AR PL KaitiM Big5";
match any family == "Mingti"    edit family =+ "AR PL Mingti2L Big5";
match any family == "sans"      edit family =+ "Mingti";
match any family == "serif"     edit family =+ "Mingti";

弄了這 entry, licq 的 font dialog box 也可以認得出有 arphic font 了

可以勞煩 XFree86 的 maintainer 加上這些 entry 嗎? 如果有用者沒有 install
arphic (我想大部份 debian 用家都不是中國人吧... :-) 這是不要緊的, 因為如
果 XFree86 找不到 dir "/path/to/font", 他會自動 skip 這個目錄. 其實除了
arphic, 可以問問日本和韓國的 debian 用家, 弄個 XftConfig 的 entry
好不好. :-)

(3) 自從 (之前這部機跑 mandrake cooker) install 了 debian, /usr/local 的 
OpenOffice.org 就不懂認出有 arphic font 了 ... 記得用 mandrake 時在 
XF86Config 裡面加了一句 dir "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/big5" (mandrake arphic
的 fontpath), 不過我就不太清楚是否因沒有這個 entry 另到 OpenOffice.org 找不到
中文 arphic font.

(4) 我覺得 cpanel 有點地方可以改一改 / 修一修, 不過已經跟 maintainer 在
private email 說過了, 那我就不多題啦. :-)

(5) xcin 在視覺上可以改一改. 尤其是我覺得 XCIN_HIDE 十分好用, 不知可
否在 xcinrc enable by default 呢? :-) 還有 xcinrc 的 default font 大了
一點, 如果修為 size 16 就好看得多了! 除了這些我還改了一點東西, 我已把
xcinrc attached 了, 大家可以參考一下. :-)

(6) 也將修好的 WindowMaker / WPrefs po 檔案 attached 了, 現時的 po 是
過不到 msgfmt, 麻煩看看我的 po patch 有沒有錯, 沒的就麻煩將他 apply 
囉. :-)

	-- Geoff.
--- zh_TW.Big5.po	2002-08-03 10:20:28.000000000 +1000
+++ WindowMaker.zh_TW.Big5.po	2002-08-02 22:21:03.000000000 +1000
@@ -519,8 +519,8 @@
 "is docked in the same positions on the other workspaces and the Clip is not "
 "full in some workspace."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/dock.c:529
 msgid ""
@@ -528,8 +528,8 @@
 "docked in the same position on the other workspaces and the Clip is not full "
 "in some workspace."
 msgstr ""
 #: ../src/dock.c:556
 msgid "Workspace Clip"
@@ -1142,13 +1142,13 @@
 msgid ""
 "There are more than one WORKSPACE_MENU commands in the applications menu. "
 "Only one is allowed."
-msgstr "應用程式選單中有超過一個 WORKSPACE_MENU 命令。只允許\一個。"
+msgstr "應用程式選單中有超過一個 WORKSPACE_MENU 命令。只允許一個。"
 #: ../src/rootmenu.c:834
 msgid ""
 "There are more than one WINDOWS_MENU commands in the applications menu. Only "
 "one is allowed."
-msgstr "應用程式選單中有超過一個 WINDOWS_MENU 命令。只允許\一個。"
+msgstr "應用程式選單中有超過一個 WINDOWS_MENU 命令。只允許一個。"
 #: ../src/rootmenu.c:839
 msgid "Window List"
@@ -1502,11 +1502,11 @@
 #: ../src/winspector.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid "Inspecting  %s.%s"
-msgstr "檢閱\  %s.%s"
+msgstr "檢閱  %s.%s"
 #: ../src/winspector.c:1147
 msgid "Click in the window you wish to inspect."
-msgstr "在你想檢閱\的視窗點一下"
+msgstr "在你想檢閱的視窗點一下"
 #: ../src/winspector.c:1186
 msgid ""
@@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@
 msgid ""
 "Keep the window over other windows, not allowing\n"
 "them to cover it."
-msgstr "讓視窗保持在其他視窗之上,不許\它們覆蓋\它。"
+msgstr "讓視窗保持在其他視窗之上,不許它們覆蓋它。"
 #: ../src/winspector.c:1370
 msgid "Keep at bottom (sunken)"
@@ -1682,7 +1682,7 @@
 "of your shortcut configuration."
 msgstr ""
 "當此視窗得到焦點時不要從 Window Maker 結合鍵盤捷徑。\n"
 #: ../src/winspector.c:1436
 msgid "Do not bind mouse clicks"
@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@
 msgid ""
 "Do not allow the window to move itself completely\n"
 "outside the screen. For bug compatibility.\n"
-msgstr "不允許\視窗完全移出螢幕。用於錯誤相容性。\n"
+msgstr "不允許視窗完全移出螢幕。用於錯誤相容性。\n"
 #: ../src/winspector.c:1460
 msgid "Ignore 'Hide Others'"
--- zh_TW.Big5.po	2002-08-03 10:22:23.000000000 +1000
+++ WPrefs.zh_TW.Big5.po	2002-08-03 10:19:51.000000000 +1000
@@ -1887,11 +1887,11 @@
 #: ../../WPrefs.app/WindowHandling.c:366
 msgid "...do not cover icons"
-msgstr "...不要覆蓋\圖示"
+msgstr "...不要覆蓋圖示"
 #: ../../WPrefs.app/WindowHandling.c:372
 msgid "...do not cover dock"
-msgstr "...不要覆蓋\停靠區"
+msgstr "...不要覆蓋停靠區"
 #: ../../WPrefs.app/WindowHandling.c:381
 msgid "Edge Resistance"
;  Xcin resource file for GNU/Linux
;  By T.H.Hsieh.

;  Directories.
(define XCIN_DEFAULT_DIR      "/usr/lib/xcin")
(define XCIN_USER_DIR         ".xcin")

;  This defines GUI attribute.
(define INDEX_FONT  		"-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1")
(define FG_COLOR    		"white")
(define BG_COLOR    		"blue")
(define M_FG_COLOR  		"yellow")
(define M_BG_COLOR  		"darkred")
(define ULINE_COLOR		"cyan")
(define GRID_COLOR		"white")
(define X_GEOMETRY  		"45x2+200-1")
(define START_MAINWIN2		"YES")
(define MAINWIN2_GEOMETRY	"27x1+200-1")
(define XCIN_HIDE   		"YES")
(define XKILL_DISABLE		"NO")
(define IM_FOCUS_ON		"YES")
(define DIFF_BEEP		"YES")

(define LOCALE	'(zh_TW.Big5 zh_HK.Big5HKSCS zh_CN.GB2312 zh_CN.GBK))

;  XIM Input Style Adjustments.
(define INPUT_STYLE		'(Root OverTheSpot))

;  Special Trigger Keys.
;(define FKEY_ZHEN		"ctrl space")
;(define FKEY_2BSB		"shift space")
;(define FKEY_CIRIM		"ctrl shift")
;(define FKEY_CIRRIM		"shift ctrl")
;(define FKEY_CHREP		"ctrl alt r")
;(define FKEY_SIMD		"ctrl alt i")
;(define FKEY_IMFOCUS		"ctrl alt f")
;(define FKEY_IMN		"ctrl alt")
;(define FKEY_QPHRASE		"shift alt")

;  IM module default resources.
(define gen_inp_default
        '((AUTO_COMPOSE         YES)
          (AUTO_UPCHAR          YES)
          (AUTO_FULLUP          NO)
          (SPACE_AUTOUP         NO)
          (SELKEY_SHIFT         NO)
          (SPACE_IGNORE         NO)
          (SPACE_RESET          YES)
          (AUTO_RESET           NO)
          (WILD_ENABLE          YES)
          (SINMD_IN_LINE1       NO)
          (END_KEY              NO)
          (QPHRASE_MODE         0)      ; 1:shift, 2:ctrl, 4:alt, 8:fallback
          (DISABLE_SEL_LIST     "NONE")
          (BEEP_WRONG           YES)
          (BEEP_DUPCHAR         NO)
          (TSI_FNAME            "/usr/lib/tabe/tsi.db")
	  (HINT_TSI		NO)))

(define bimsphone_default
        '((N_SELECTION_KEY      9)
          (SELECTION_KEYS       0)      ; 0: "1234567890", 1: "asdfgjkl;"
          (PAGE_KEYS            5)      ; 1:<> 2:,. 4:(Rt)(Lt)
          (QPHRASE_MODE         1)      ; 1:shift, 2:ctrl, 4:alt, 8:fallback
        ; This is only valid for "bimsphone*" IM name.
          (AUTO_SELECTION       YES)
          (KEYMAP               0)      ; 0:zozy, 1:et, 2:et26, 3:hsu
        ; This is only valid for "bimspinyin*" IM name.
          (PINPHO_MAP           "bims_pinyin")
        ; The following has effect only when AUTO_SELECTION is YES
          (TSI_FNAME            "/usr/lib/tabe/tsi.db")
          (YIN_FNAME            "/usr/lib/tabe/yin.db")
	  (TSI_USERDEF_FNAME	"utsi.db")
	  (YIN_USERDEF_FNAME	"uyin.db")
          (SPACE_SELECTION      NO)
          (PHRASE_SELECTION     YES)
          (N_SELECTION_PHR      4)
        ; The following has effect only when AUTO_SELECTION is NO
          (AUTO_UPCHAR          YES)))

;  This is the global configuration of the zh_TW.Big5 locale 
(define zh_TW.Big5 
  '((DEFAULT_IM		"cj")
    (DEFAULT_IM_MODULE	"gen_inp")
    (PHRASE		"default.phr")
    (CINPUT		(cj simplex phone bimspinyin bimsphone chewing
			 array30 jyutping jyutping0 zh_hex))
    (FONTSET		"-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1,-eten-*-medium-r-*-16-*-big5-0")
    (OVERSPOT_FONTSET	"-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1,-eten-*-medium-r-*-16-*-big5-0")))
;  Here are detailed configuration of each IM (for zh_TW.Big5 locale).
(define cj@big5
	'((SETKEY		1)))

(define simplex@big5
	'((SETKEY		2)))

(define phone@big5
	'((SETKEY		3)

(define jyutping@big5
	'((SETKEY		4)
      	  (BEEP_DUPCHAR		YES)))

(define bimspinyin@big5
	'((SETKEY		5)
	  (MODULE		"bimsphone")))

(define bimsphone@big5
	'((SETKEY		6)
	  (MODULE		"bimsphone")))

(define chewing@big5
        '((SETKEY		7)
         (KB_TYPE		"KB_DEFAULT")
         (MODULE		"chewing")))

(define array30@big5
	'((SETKEY		8)
      	  (BEEP_DUPCHAR		YES)
	  (KEYSTROKE_REMAP	"t:0xaaba;T:0xaaba;")))

(define jyutping0@big5
	'((SETKEY		9)

;  This is the global configuration of the zh_CN.GB2312 locale 
(define zh_CN.GB2312
  '((DEFAULT_IM		"pinyin")
    (DEFAULT_IM_MODULE	"gen_inp")
    (PHRASE		"default.phr")
    (CINPUT		(pinyin shuangpin jtcj_gb wubizixing phonegb2
			 array30 zh_hex))
    (FONTSET		"-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1,-*-medium-r-*-16-*-gb2312.1980-0")
    (OVERSPOT_FONTSET	"-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1,-*-medium-r-*-16-*-gb2312.1980-0")))
;  Here are detailed configuration of each IM (for zh_CN.GB2312 locale).
(define pinyin@gb2312
	'((SETKEY		1)

(define shuangpin@gb2312
	'((SETKEY		2)

(define jtcj_gb@gb2312
	'((SETKEY		3)))

(define phonegb2@gb2312
	'((SETKEY		4)

(define wubizixing@gb2312
	'((SETKEY		5)))

;  This is the global configuration of the zh_HK.Big5HKSCS locale 
(define zh_HK.Big5HKSCS
  '((DEFAULT_IM		"cj")
    (DEFAULT_IM_MODULE	"gen_inp")
    (PHRASE		"default.phr")
    (CINPUT             (cj simplex phone bimspinyin bimsphone chewing
			 array30 jyutping jyutping0 zh_hex))
    (FONTSET		"-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1,-*-*-medium-r-*--16-*-*-*-c-*-big5hkscs-0")
    (OVERSPOT_FONTSET	"-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1,-*-*-medium-r-*--16-*-*-*-c-*-big5hkscs-0")))
;  Here are detailed configuration of each IM (for zh_HK.Big5HKSCS locale).
(define cj@big5hkscs
	'((SETKEY		1)))

(define simplex@big5hkscs
	'((SETKEY		2)))

(define phone@big5hkscs
	'((SETKEY		3)

(define jyutping@big5hkscs
	'((SETKEY		4)

(define bimspinyin@big5hkscs
	'((SETKEY		5)
	  (MODULE		"bimsphone")))

(define bimsphone@big5hkscs
	'((SETKEY		6)
	  (MODULE		"bimsphone")))

(define chewing@big5hkscs
        '((SETKEY		7)
         (KB_TYPE		"KB_DEFAULT")
         (MODULE		"chewing")))

(define array30@big5hkscs
	'((SETKEY		8)
	  (KEYSTROKE_REMAP	"t:0xaaba;T:0xaaba;")))

(define jyutping0@big5hkscs
	'((SETKEY		9)

;  This is the global configuration of the zh_CN.GBK locale 
(define zh_CN.GBK
  '((DEFAULT_IM		"zh_hex")
    (DEFAULT_IM_MODULE	"gen_inp")
    (PHRASE		"default.phr")
    (CINPUT		(zh_hex))
    (FONTSET		"-sony-*-16-*-iso8859-1,-*-medium-r-*-16-*-gbk-0")

(define pinyin@gbk
	'((SETKEY		1)

(define shuangpin@gbk
	'((SETKEY		2)

(define jtcj_gb@gbk
	'((SETKEY		3)))

(define phonegb2@gbk
	'((SETKEY		4)

(define wubizixing@gbk
	'((SETKEY		5)))

(define array30@gbk
	'((SETKEY		8)
	  (KEYSTROKE_REMAP	"t:0xb5c4;T:0xb5c4;")))

;  The zh_hex module (zh_hex input method) is a special IM, which can be
;  used in many different encodings.
(define zh_hex 
	'((SETKEY		0)
	  (MODULE		zh_hex)
	  (INP_CNAME_big5	"0xa4ba+0xbd58")
	  (INP_CNAME_big5hkscs	"0xa4ba+0xbd58")
	  (INP_CNAME_gb2312	"0xc4da+0xc2eb")
	  (INP_CNAME_gbk	"0xc4da+0xc2eb")

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