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Re: Spam

Dear Xuewen and Alex,

Yes, I have the same sentiments.  The spam situation had improved a while
ago, but now it is getting really bad again, with that stupid
163btob and others sending repeating e-mail messages cluttering up

I sent an e-mail a week or two ago asking the Debian listmasters to see if
we can make debian-chinese-* "only subscribers can post, non-susbscribers'
post needs approval from Debian Chinese developers such as Yu Guanghui,
Roger So, Anthony Wong or me", and unfortunately, I haven't heard anything
from the listmasters yet.

Debian mailing lists do have "spamassassin" which can filter out most of the
spam automatically.  Unfortunately, spamassassin isn't yet effective against
Chinese and Korean spam messages, so they end up on the mailing lists.  (I
just realize that there are hardly any Japanese spams around.  Hoho!)

Since none of the Debian Chinese developers are listmasters,
there is little we can do.  Something that I can do (and have begun doing)
is to modify my debian-chinese-gateway.pl script and prevent it from
re-posting spam messages, so the spams posted to debian-chinese-big5 won't
be reposted again on debian-chinese-gb, and vice versa.

Example: In a 5 minutes time period, 163btob sent 4 messages to
debian-chinese-gb and 5 messages to debian-chinese-big5; the 5 messages on
debian-chinese-big5 got converted into debian-chinese-gb, so you ended up
seeing 9 spam messages on debian-chinese-gb.  With the
debian-chinese-gateway.pl update, the 5 spam messages won't be converted and

But yes, that doesn't entirely solve the problem either.  It is a tough
issue.  My apologies.  I wish there is more that we can do.  We'll see
if we come up with better solutions in the future.



On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 02:05:39PM -0500, Alex Lau wrote:
> I think we all understand your point. But if you have read on the
> devel-list, we have already talk about this topic for a long time.  And
> yes we have a lot of way to stop spam from coming into the mailing but at
> the sametime, it will stop someother user from using the list. And it
> seems there are no prefect solution for that. For right now, the best way
> is just setting up filter in your server or your client to clean out the
> spam. I wish I can change the situration also. Alex
> WANG Xuewen :
> >Please, the maintainer,  do something for this foolish spam mail. I know 
> >the list should be open but these kinds of things make the list useless.  

Anthony Fok Tung-Ling
ThizLinux Laboratory   <anthony@thizlinux.com> http://www.thizlinux.com/
Debian Chinese Project <foka@debian.org>       http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp!           http://www.olvc.ab.ca/

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