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Re: Arphic font, Unicode, fontset and various

On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 07:56:19PM -0500, try_email_me@yahoo.ca wrote:
> 	Don't know if it is a FAQ.  But just can't get any comprehensive
> answer to my question.  I just bought unifont Y2K from Arphic (some
> unicode, some big and some gb fonts.  Now I want to change everything to
> Unicode.  What do I need to change.  Right now I have
> LC_CTYPE=zh_TW.big5 and using xtt module (X4.1) and using gnome.

Nothing, you just need a unicode input :). Anyone really need
a unicode input method? like utf-8? xcin and chinput does not
support utf-8 yet.

For your Arphic fonts, the arphic fonts in current debian IS
unicode ones. So no problem. Just add your fonts to debian.
How? hmm... get ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp's source 
(apt-get source ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp),
see how it is package, make your own arphic font packages.
Why? because it will let you easily remove your fonts.

> Also, after a recently upgrade (using unstable) my chinese character in
> gnomeicu become japanese.  Don't understand why.

Foka said latest gtk is broken. Maybe that caused your problem.
> Is there some compenhensive guide/manual or something more readable I
> can find to solve my problem? btw, I don't understand anything about gtk
> fontset.  (Have been playing around with it for a while)

You need to have unicode locales in your system. create one
with local-gen: edit /etc/locale.gen, add zh_TW.UTF-8 UTF-8.
run locale-gen.

then you are set. 

People are working on a utf8 enabled xterm. I am not sure
if it is released officially yet. Otherwise, gtk/gnome
should support utf-8 generically under utf-8 locale.
I did not tested it though. :(

hashao|            漫天春雪來,才抵梅花半。最愛雪邊人,楚些裁成亂。
hashao|            雪兒偏解飲,只要金杯滿。誰道雪天寒?翠袖闌幹暖。

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