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RE: Debian網站的中文網頁


Is it a better idea to set 
 http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/index.html = index.zh-cn.html ? Or

2. 我選擇overriding web fonts字體變小了,但還是有一些覆蓋, 不知道

On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Anthony Fok wrote:

> >===== Original Message From Xuedong Zhang <zxd@bu.edu> =====
> >進入www.debian.org點擊中文網頁是,所聯接的是www.debian.org/index.zh-cn.html
> >
> >左邊菜單的字體好像太大,相互覆蓋了,(我是用mozilla0.8)
> >還有www.debian.org/intl/zh/ 怎麼是一個English 網頁,是不是直接聯到中文計劃
> >的網頁比較好
> I am at school and can only type English on this computer, so I'll
> answer in English.  :-)
> What you will see when you access www.debian.org/intl/zh/ is one of the 
> following:
>     http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/index.html = index.en.html
>     http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/index.zh-cn.html
>     http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/index.zh-tw.html
> as well as a few other translations like Swedish and Japanese.
> What languages you see when you access http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
> depends on your Content-Negotiation setting.  Please see the link at the 
> bottom
> "How to set your default language" or "Ruhe shezi quesheng yuyan".  If it is 
> unset, the Debian website returns the English page.  You'll have to go into 
> your Netscape or Internet Explorer's preference and set your preferred 
> languages to:
>     zh-CN
>     zh
>     en
> so the Chinese pages would be searched first, and if it is not available, show 
> the English page.
> As for the English page (index.en.html), it was originally written by other 
> developers.  But it is a good thing that the English page is there because 
> Debian is an _international_ project.  Besides the Debian Chinese Project, 
> there are other languages too, and we won't have a clue of what they are 
> unless they all have at least an introduction page in English.  :-)
> I had been planning to add some PNG images that says "Jianti Zhongwen"
> and "Fanti Zhongwen" and other things to make index.en.html look nicer and 
> with some Chinese in it, but I haven't finished it yet.  (Yes, I have the PNG 
> images ready, just have to actually edit the HTML to put them onto the page.  
> :-)
> Cheers,
> Anthony (Dongdong)

Xuedong Zhang
-----------office: (617)353-9148-------------
Cummington St. 44/BME, Boston 02215, MA USA
--- zxd@bu.edu    http://hello.to/xuedong ---

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