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RE: Debian網站的中文網頁

>===== Original Message From Xuedong Zhang <zxd@bu.edu> =====
>還有www.debian.org/intl/zh/ 怎麼是一個English 網頁,是不是直接聯到中文計劃

I am at school and can only type English on this computer, so I'll
answer in English.  :-)

What you will see when you access www.debian.org/intl/zh/ is one of the

    http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/index.html = index.en.html

as well as a few other translations like Swedish and Japanese.
What languages you see when you access http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
depends on your Content-Negotiation setting.  Please see the link at the
"How to set your default language" or "Ruhe shezi quesheng yuyan".  If it is
unset, the Debian website returns the English page.  You'll have to go into
your Netscape or Internet Explorer's preference and set your preferred
languages to:


so the Chinese pages would be searched first, and if it is not available, show
the English page.

As for the English page (index.en.html), it was originally written by other
developers.  But it is a good thing that the English page is there because
Debian is an _international_ project.  Besides the Debian Chinese Project,
there are other languages too, and we won't have a clue of what they are
unless they all have at least an introduction page in English.  :-)

I had been planning to add some PNG images that says "Jianti Zhongwen"
and "Fanti Zhongwen" and other things to make index.en.html look nicer and
with some Chinese in it, but I haven't finished it yet.  (Yes, I have the PNG
images ready, just have to actually edit the HTML to put them onto the page.


Anthony (Dongdong)

Anthony Fok Tung-Ling                Civil and Environmental Engineering
foka@ualberta.ca, foka@debian.org    University of Alberta, Canada
   Debian GNU/Linux Chinese Project -- http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp -- http://www.olvc.ab.ca/

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