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Re: 請校對release-notes sgml 04.htm初稿。

注意一下, &....; 中的';'是關鍵字的一部分,應該保持原樣。
翻譯文件時,可以把文件和原件的後綴都改成 .sgml ,這樣當
打開 vim 的 syntax highlight 的時候,對翻譯有一定的幫助。
在我的 .vimrc 裡有:

" default fileencoding is prc, use taiwan for Big5 encoding
set fileencoding=prc
" turn on syntax highlight
if has("syntax")
  syntax on

%%%%%%%%%% 翻譯

<sect id="information">系統的詳細變化

<![ %not-sparc [
<![ %not-alpha [

<![ %sparc [
  <p>這個基于&arch-title;的&debian發行版本;由于一些 GNU C 庫函數的需要,
系統結構必需是一個2.2.x的內核(最好是2.2.7或更高版本的)。但是新的 GNU C 庫
仍和老的程序兼容。如果你想從&debian; 2.1(另外唯一基于&arch-title;的版本)
不要試圖在不是2.2.x內核的&mdash;進行* 制升級。如果你這麼做的話,您將會

  <p>GNU C庫源代碼和二進制代碼的向前兼容性意味著大多數來自以前發行版本的程序
可以在新版本中運行(但倒過來不行)。所有在&debian; &release;中的軟件包都被創

虛擬設備以支持Unix98 PTYs,此時,一些進程守護程序(Unix 服務器)會自動切換,
去使用那些新的設備(使用<file>/dev/pts/*</file> 來取代 <file>/dev/ttyp*</file>)

printcap和其他一些配置文件來適應這一變化(<file>/dev/lp0</file> 取代
<file>/dev/lp1</file>, <file>/dev/lp1</file> 取代  <file>/dev/lp2</file> ,



    <item>防火牆操作工具 <prgn/ipfwadm/ 已由  <prgn/ipchains/所取代。 
<package/netbase/ 的升級過程中將會要求你和一個wrapper腳本建立符號連接,
 這樣你的防火牆才能繼續起作用;你也可以參考  <file>/usr/share/doc/netbase/ipchains-HOWTO.txt.gz</file> ,將你的防火牆設置轉換成正確的 <prgn/ipchains/ 設置。

    <item>由老版本的Debian安裝過程設立的 <file>/etc/init.d/network</file> 腳本
的`netmask' 和 `dev'選項來解決。



  需要作出修改,你可以安裝<package/libpam-doc/包,裡面的文檔蓋涵了PAM 函數庫

%%%%%%%%%%%% 原文

 <sect id="information">Detailed changes to the system

<![ %not-sparc [
<![ %not-alpha [
  <p>The upgrade procedures described below can be used to upgrade any
  previous Debian release to &release; at once; you should not have to upgrade
  separately to every intermediate release. Note however, that upgrades
  from releases 2.0 and earlier to &release; have not been tested extensively,
  and are therefore not supported.

<![ %sparc [
  <p>This release of &debian; for the &arch-title; architecture requires
  a 2.2.x kernel (preferably 2.2.7 or above), since some of the GNU C
  library functions require it. The new GNU C library is, however, still
  compatible with old programs. If you attempt to upgrade to this release
  from &debian; 2.1 (the only other release for &arch-title;), and you do
  not have a 2.2.x kernel, then the <package/libc6/ package install will
  fail before proceeding. DO NOT attempt to force this upgrade on a
  non-2.2.x kernel &mdash; if you do that, you will have severe problems
  that will require booting a rescue disk to fix. If you need to upgrade
  your kernel, either install one of the kernels provided in this release
  (i.e. the <package/kernel-image-*/ packages), or compile your own from
  source. Afterwhich, you may proceed with the upgrade.

  <p>Backwards source and binary compatibility in GNU LibC 2.1 means most
  programs from the previous release will run on the new release (but not
  the other way around). All packages in &debian; &release; have been set
  up to run in the new environment, of course, and it will be possible to
  re-compile most programs on the new release without changes. However,
  there are always a few exceptions to the rule, so some of your local
  programs may need to be modified and/or recompiled on the new glibc to
  run properly.

  <p>When run under kernel 2.2 and glibc 2.1, system will automatically
  mount an additional `devpts' virtual drive, to support Unix98 PTYs, and
  some of our daemons (Unix servers) will automatically switch to using
  those new devices (<file>/dev/pts/*</file> instead of

  <p>With kernel 2.2.x, the PC printer devices start from lp0 instead of lp1
  as with kernels 2.0.x, so you will want to update your printcap and other
  configuration files to use that (<file>/dev/lp0</file> instead of
  <file>/dev/lp1</file>, <file>/dev/lp1</file> instead of
  <file>/dev/lp2</file> and so on).

  <p>Note that after upgrading (from slink), it is necessary to install a
  2.2.x kernel before Samba will work again.

  <p>The transition to using new kernel went quite smoothly, mainly because
  we almost completely prepared the 2.1 release for running a 2.2 kernel. 
  Some issues still remain, mainly related to the network:

    <item>Firewall manipulation utility <prgn/ipfwadm/ has been replaced with
    <prgn/ipchains/. The upgrade of the <package/netbase/ will prompt you to
    set up symlinks to a wrapper script so that your firewall remains
    functioning; you can also read
    <file>/usr/share/doc/netbase/ipchains-HOWTO.txt.gz</file> and properly
    convert your firewall setup to <prgn/ipchains/.

    <item>The <file>/etc/init.d/network</file> script, as set up by the old
    Debian installation procedures, prints error messages with the new
    kernel; this can be fixed by adding proper `netmask' and `dev' options
    to <prgn/route/ invocations in that file.

    <item>Unfortunately, this kernel upgrade could also mean problems for
    those users whose machines have very small amounts of RAM.

  <p>You should read the kernel's <file>Documentation/Changes</file> file for
  more information on upgrading software to run with the new kernel.

  <p>Upgrades to PAM enabled applications have been made as seamless and
  integrated as possible. For most instances, the new configurations will
  mimic that of your old pre-PAM configurations. However, not every case
  can be accounted for. If changes need to be made, you can install the
  <package/libpam-doc/ package, which contains documentation on every
Best regard

| This message was re-posted from debian-chinese-gb@lists.debian.org
| and converted from gb2312 to big5 by an automatic gateway.

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