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Bug-fix release of slang0.99.34 uploaded to master

This should resolve all bugs of which I'm aware.  Please test it.
If you upgrade from the buggy slang0.99.34-0.99.38-1, you will have to
run dpkg -i twice.  Sorry.  I've tested it on three systems and it
seems to work perfectly in all cases.

Format: 1.5
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 16:47:11 -0500
Source: slang
Binary: slang0.99.34-dev slang0.99.34
Architecture: source i386
Version: 0.99.38-2
Distribution: frozen unstable
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Chris Fearnley <cjf@netaxs.com>
 slang0.99.34 - A C programming library for user interfaces - shared library
 slang0.99.34-dev - A C programming library for user interfaces - development kit
 slang (0.99.38-2) frozen unstable; urgency=medium
   * slang0.99.34: library
   *   postinst: Make the compatibility link upgradeable.
   *   preinst: if upgrade from -1 version, purge /usr/doc/slang (see last item).
   *   control: Moved to section libs; Replaces slang0.99.34-dev.
   *   shlibs: This version has new functions, so (>0.99.38) is necessary.
   * slang0.99.34-dev: development
   *   rules: Use --strip-debug on the static library.
   *   postinst: if /usr/doc/slang0.99.34-dev is a dir, ln -fs it.
   *   control: Replaces slang0.99.34.
   * BOTH:
   *   Oops, version 0.99.34-1 changelog had a typo: the library
         really was compiled with -D_REENTRANT.
   *   Conceptual error on my part:  /usr/doc/slang shouldn't be where the
         docs live.  It should be a link to the current version.
         Unfortunately, users of the -1 release will have to install it twice
         to get the docs :(
 64322a1697c876e2ac8a1f2ff632dd01 299 libs optional slang_0.99.38-2.dsc
 3e52e9887d1173c5249718c99d144a7a 6270 libs optional slang_0.99.38-2.diff.gz
 daf811b44bdce0c22d112629fc59b822 81428 libs optional slang0.99.34_0.99.38-2_i386.deb
 50b8c26567cac98d174d3cd8253dc04e 190288 devel optional slang0.99.34-dev_0.99.38-2_i386.deb

Christopher J. Fearnley          |  Onit Communications Network Administration
cjf@OnIt.net, cjf@netaxs.com     |  Design Science Revolutionary
http://www.netaxs.com/~cjf       |  Explorer in Universe
ftp://ftp.netaxs.com/people/cjf  |  "Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller 

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