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Please add a README explaining how to install pieces of software from an ISO burned onto a USB stick

The 16GB USB stick image is pointless if people cannot install any of the thousand pieces of software after rebooting after the initial install of Bullseye, which will be the case for most people.
I wasted hours looking for a solution online, stumbling upon countless people totally stuck, and finally found ONE solution on ONE page only on the whole web, and only in English :

Here is a little guide you could put in a README :

In a console in root, type :

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add this symbol # to the beginning of the line beginning with :

deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 

You can also add the same symbol # to the beginning of the other lines if this computer is not connected to the internet.

Add the following line, replacing USERNAME with the name of the user :

deb [trusted=yes] file:/media/USERNAME/"Debian testing amd64 1" testing main contrib

Then save the file with a CTRL + S and exit with a CTRL + X.

Authorize apt (the core program needed to install any software) to access the USB stick by typing this in a console in root :

setfacl -m _apt:rx /media/USERNAME

Verify that apt has access to the USB stick now :

getfacl --tabular /media/USERNAME

If the following line appears among the other ones, it means apt can now access the USB stick :

user    _apt     r-x

Then update apt, still in a console in root :

apt-get update

Now you can use either Apper or Synaptic, which can be found in the System software menu, to install any piece of software that is on the USB stick. 

I wrote this in French first :

En root :

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Ajouter le symbole # au début de la ligne commençant par :

deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 

Vous pouvez aussi ajouter # au début des autres lignes si votre ordinateur n'est pas connecté à internet.

Ajouter la ligne suivante dans sources.list et commenter toutes les autres avec un # au début de la ligne (remplacer USERNAME par le nom de l'utilisateur) :

deb [trusted=yes] file:/media/USERNAME/"Debian testing amd64 1" testing main contrib

Autoriser apt (programme essentiel pour installer des logiciels) à accéder à la clé USB:

setfacl -m _apt:rx /media/USERNAME

Vérifier que apt a bien l'accès maintenant :

getfacl --tabular /media/USERNAME

La ligne suivante doit apparaître si tout s'est bien passé :

user    _apt     r-x

Mettre à jour apt:

apt-get update

Utiliser le logiciel Apper ou Synaptic pour installer tous les logiciels qui se trouvent sur la clé USB !

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