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Re: Missing Firmware

On 19/08/19 17:00, slow_speed@att.net wrote:
> You may be interested to know that the iso's listed at
> https://cdimage.debian.org/images/unofficial/non-free/images-including-firmware/10.0.0-live+nonfree/amd64/iso-hybrid/
> are missing some firmware information.
> I selected the debian-live-10.0.0-amd64-xfce+nonfree.iso for my Dell
> Studio XPS notebook computer.  It always had complained that it needed
> the B43 Broadcom firmware files of b43/ucode16_mimo.fw and
> b43-open/ucode16_mimo.fw.
> Whenever I would install Debian Buster it would look for those.  It
> never made any difference if I added the missing files to another flash
> drive in another USB port or swapped into the same port, they were never
> found by the install process.
> With the new iso, it did exactly the same thing.  Evidently the non-free
> version does not contain the missing firmware anyway.
> Please advise as to how to get the install to look for the *.deb or
> other files containing the necessary firmware.
> Thank you.
Hi there,

A quick note to acknowledge your post.

The B43 firmware resides in the following packages in the non-free
section of the repository:


You are wanting to install onto your laptop, the firmware *IS* part of
the manifest for the non-free installation image


You just want to run a live image at this point in time I agree with you
that this appears to be missing.
Looking at the manifest of the 'live' images I do not see mention of the
B43 drivers...

<< Highvoltage >>  Can you confirm this please?


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