Re: Proposal for new Debian image: Vagrant base box
As I understand the build process/recipe has some steps to do in a
container. Am I right?
If so, why Vagrant and not other chroot/container solutions?
El 01/11/15 a les 20:10, Emmanuel Kasper ha escrit:
> Hi Steve !
>>> I have been working with the debian-cloud team for some time now
>>> creating "Vanilla" Debian Images for Vagrant, a devops tool.
>>> Vagrant call these images base boxes, it's basically some kind of
>>> lightly customized Virtualbox OVF with extra meta data information.
>>> I've documented the details of this here:
>>> The boxes aka disk images are here:
>>> Up to now the creation and upload of these boxes has been done from my
>>> workstation, but I'd rather do it with you guys on some Debian
>>> Infrastructure.
>> OK, cool. :-)
>> Hmmm - looking at your wiki page, I just see one problem really:
>> "The build process requires the non-free
>> virtualbox-guest-additions-iso package, the rest of the build chain
>> and installed packages are DFSG compliant. "
>> For official images, we won't include non-free components/packages. Is
>> there any way to avoid this?
> Yes, this is problematic and I'm happy to discuss that.
> Virtualbox guest additions are needed for
> Vagrant shared folders [1]
> an important feature but not critical to the use of Vagrant
> I see two different possible ways :
> * we get rid of the virtualbox guest additions in the image (like FreeBSD)
> An end user could install herself/himself the Virtualbox guest
> additions, manually, or via the vagrant-vbguest plugin.
> * instead of using the non-free virtualbox-guest-additions-iso package
> for creating the image we use the "virtualbox-guest-source" and
> "virtualbox-guest-dkms" in contrib.
> Is using "contrib" OK for official debian images ?
> I think no, so probably first way is the only way ...
> [1]
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