Re: UEFI 32 bit on Proliant X2
On Wed, Jan 07, 2015 at 12:36:41PM +0100, Giorgio Pioda wrote:
>I'm currently triing to install Jessie on a Proliant X2 (10-k010nz)
>with Atom Z3736F.
>Steve's image is able to boot on uefi 32 but I get stuck by the fact
>that I have only 1 USB port, no ethernet and wifi only network.
>Would be very kind if the installer either would be a full CD (or
>a wireless comaptible, but in that case also the realteck rtl8723bs could
>make some problems).
Other people have been using wifi usb for now, until drivers and
firmware are sorted.
>P.S: I'll also try with a port multiplier and an USB->Ethernet adapter
Yes, that might be necessary. It's what I had to do with the X205TA
when I first started, until I got the internal keyboard and trackpad
sussed... :-)
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.
"Every time you use Tcl, God kills a kitten." -- Malcolm Ray
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