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Re: ping on CD

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On 03/22/2007 06:49 AM, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> Hi!
> * Frans Pop <elendil@planet.nl> [070321 23:19]:
>>> So I would like to support the OP's request: Would it be possible to
>>> add ping despite the fact that it is not essential? Adding it to
>>> busybox would probably only add a couple kB to the installer's size.
>> This has been discussed about 20 times already. Unless you can give any 
>> _real_ arguments why ping is essential, I very much doubt this will 
>> change.
> Would it be possible to ship a small ping-like shellscrip, which tries
> to parse wgets output and give proper feedback to the user?

	Yes, I think it would be possible.

	But it will be an untested tool, that could lead to unexpected
errors. And probably, we will end up re-inventing the wheel, and by the
end of the day, if we do this, we are acknowledging the importance of
ping, right? :)

	ping is not exactly the smallest of the programs (~30K), and I
really trust d-i team judgement, I was just imagining that if it is
possible to have ping (which means that space and other things are not
a problem), we should add it for our users.

> Yours sincerely,
>   Alexander

	Kind regards,

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
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