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Disc Testing

Main i386 CDs

Boot OK.  Graphical and text installers OK.
New system boots into gui

Tried encrypted LVM.  Very slow formatting.  Is this normal?  Not used.
LVM and non-LVM formating works with single and multiple partitions.

sources.list.  cdrom points to etch; security points to etch.
All tasks selected for installation (except laptop), no obvious problems.

*** Hack to use multiple discs.  *****

Unplug the network.
Do not configure the network.

When tasksel comes up only install the Standard system.

Reboot, login as root.

run <apt-cdrom add>
Scan the discs of the disc set.
Run <tasksel>
Install what you want.

The screen gets over-written by various messages, this can
be disconcerting.

When installing a NZ system, discs 1, 2, 4 of a four disc 
set were used.  About 1.6 gig was installed.


This was worked out on an earlier testing build and 
confirmed tonight (NZ time).

3:45am on Easter Day.  Going to bed.


  Philip Charles; 39a Paterson Street, Abbotsford, Dunedin, New Zealand
   +64 3 488 2818        Fax +64 3 488 2875        Mobile 027 663 4453
   philipc@copyleft.co.nz - personal.    info@copyleft.co.nz - business
  I sell GNU/Linux & GNU/Hurd CDs & DVDs.   See http://www.copyleft.co.nz

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