Bug#417395: [qji: Debian Installer (Etch RC2) creates bad partition table]
reassign 417395 debian-installer
On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 04:39:26PM +0200, Kulyassa Robert wrote:
>Package: cdrom
>version: Debian Installer 4.0 "Etch" RC2 DVD (released 19.03.2007.)
>arch: i386
>At last weekend I installed Debian into 20 very similar machines. I
>used "install" and "installgui" mode too. The machines discs have
>Windows XP and other Linux partitions. I installed the Etch into 9th
>partitions (/dev/sda9, because there are SATA discs).
>After the install (which installed grub), the machines didn't boot from
>HDD! Grub didn't loaded, like there isn't system disc (machine tried
>the next boot device).
>I used a DOS floppy and DOS fdisk command, and set "Active partition"
>on NTFS partition (/dev/sda3) and this solveded the problem, now grub
>can load.
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Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com
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