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Re: Unstable snapshots - website updated

Thanks for the information! I've now updated /CD/ not to mention weekly sid 
images. Furthermore, I've added the following FAQ entry 

  Are images for the "unstable" distribution available?
  There are no "unstable" full CD or DVD images. Due to the fact that the 
  packages in "unstable" change so quickly, it is more appropriate for 
  people to download and install "unstable" using a normal Debian FTP 
  If you are aware of the risks of running unstable, but still want to 
  install it, you have two choices:
      * Install "testing" using a netinst image, then upgrade to "unstable" 
      by changing the entries in your /etc/apt/sources.list. To avoid 
      unnecessary downloads and package upgrades, it is advisable to 
      install a minimal "testing" system first and only to install most of 
      the software (e.g. desktop environment) after the switch to 

      * Use the business card image. Boot from it in expert mode with 
      priority=medium. You will then be able to select the distribution 
      (stable/testing/unstable) during mirror selection.          



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  GnuPG key: 888354F7
  | \/¯|  http://atterer.net  |  08A9 7B7D 3D13 3EF2 3D25  D157 79E6 F6DC 8883 54F7
  ¯ '` ¯

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