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Re: weekly-builds/i386/iso-cd or another recent full CD

operator wrote:
ok, here was my experience:
it booted fine, the partition menu was difficult to understand, i was unable to manually start the desktop, so, I chose the auto install desktop option, the login tool was great. the login tool was very flexible and performed very extremely well and was easy to use. the gnome desktop was the only desktop available by default. I love kde and hate gnome. I was unable to add disks to the repository. the auto mount and auto display function is a very smooth and elegant touch. the auto detection of hardware was very smooth and impressive, except that my modem was not detected. even with a manual configuration I was unable to establish an internet connection. the menus were smooth and efficient. I was unable to use the recording tool to make a simple voice recording. I wish that text-to speech and speech-to-text would also be available. I would also like to have extremely strong rsa encoding and decoding functinality easily and smoothly available. I also believe that smooth voip functionality should be easily available. I also could not find any p2p filesharing scripts available.
even though the software is very far from perfect, it shows great promise and a bright future.

Geert Stappers wrote:
Op 06-11-2006 om 09:20 schreef operator:
Geert Stappers wrote:
Op 05-11-2006 om 05:34 schreef operator1000:
[ weekly build are not build each week the same day ]

I tried one of them, it was much more bad than good.
Hello operator,

The CD I tried worked fine.
If you want to improve the Debian CD, then it to people who can actually
do something about it.

I dont know how to fix the problems. I dont even come close to
understanding how that software works. It has potential though. :-)

Oops, there was typing mistake in my previous posting.
If you want to improve the Debian CD, then it to people who can actually
do something about it.
should be
| |If you want to improve the Debian CD, then tell it to people who can actually
| |do something about it.
(it missed 'tell' )

In others words: E-mail a mailinglist, not a single person.

Geert Stappers
Happy user of free software (packed by Debian)

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