Sources needed by default?
I'm trying to use the debian-cd util to build a custom debian....
I already had some problems with it like, it says it needs the
directories "doc", "tools" and "indices" (although it just searches
for the first two). Well, I solved this problem by copying these
directories (doc and tools) to the mirror.... but now it's complaining
about the Sources.gz file:
Dispatching the sources on all the CDs ...
File `/mnt/repositorio/oficina/dists/stable/main/source/Sources.gz'
cannot be found ... at /usr/share/debian-cd/tools/cds2src line 80.
make: ** [/mnt/repositorio/debian-cd/tmp/stable-src/1.sources] Erro 2
So... I searched for something that controls it and found in
/etc/debian-cd/, a variable called SRCEXCLUDE and set it to 1
(export SRCEXCLUDE=1)... am I using it the wrong way? Anybody can
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