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Re: Plans for debian-cd

Le lundi 13 juin 2005 à 09:54 +0200, Goswin von Brederlow a écrit :
> Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> writes:
> >  * Allow (limited) builds without a local mirror. Netinst and business
> >    card images should be possible that way - they don't need a full
> >    set of packages to be present.
> A simple way is to create a partial mirror for this. The reprepro
> package has a bugreport from me with example scripts to create a
> mirror with only packages listed in the debian-installer task. The
> script asks debian-cd for the list of packages and filters by that.

My idea is to have debian-cd uses a kind of sources.list file much like
APT ... this way you can generate CD with packages coming from several
sources. A system similar to apt_preferences may be needed to resolve
conflicts when a package is available on several sources...

But imho, that's the main point of using beeing able to download package
instead of using a local mirror. So I'm still completely in favor of a
rewrite so that debian-cd can download the required packages.

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
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