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Sarge CD's via jigdo

I need to put together a copy of the sarge cd's for installation on my home
pc which only has modem access to the internet.  I have fast internet
access at work, and so can put together the cd images here.  I have
downloaded the first sarge cd for i386 using jigdo-lite, just as I have in
the past for woody.  I am, however, confused about the number of cd images.
 I see 14 different cd jigdo files on the site 


but when I look at the README file from the first cd it states that it is
the first of 8 cds for the sarge distribution.

Are only 8 out for the 14 cds required, or is the information from the
README file incorrect?  If only 8 cds are required, which of the 14 are they?

Thank you for any help you can give me.

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