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Re: what servers to use sarge dvd jigdo files?

Paul Mansfield wrote:
I downloaded the jigdo files from here:
as referenced from here:

However, when I run jigdo-lite against this file
	247 KB
	08/03/2003 16:48:00

I get lots of 404s, I have tried a variety of debian mirrors.

DVD images seem to be not available ATM. Last ones were built Nov. 22 2002.

A lot of packages change in sarge frequently, so images have to rebuilt often. The packages then disapear from archives/mirrors, as they are replaced by newer ones. Sarge-images from FSN.hu have a fallback mechanism built in, but this only works two wekks at most. You won't get outdated packages from any other server! And if FSN.hu does not have them in the fallback directory, you won't get them any more.

Conclusion: You can download the jigdo files, but ou can't build the images.
Try CD images.

Wouldn't it be better to move the old images to less intuitive place and leave some message in sarge-dvd, so people don't try to download them? Are the old images usefull at all?

Engineers motto: cheap, good, fast: choose any two
Patrick Strasser <pstrasser at sbox dot tugraz dot at>
Student of Telematik, Techn. University Graz, Austria

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