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Re: OBSOLETE and DEAD LINKS: http://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/

On Mon, 21 Apr 2003, Richard Atterer wrote:

> The situation WRT .iso mirrors is quite messed up...
> Some people use jigdo-mirror and others use rsync (=> different leafnames
> for the images), some people outside the US make a link from the 1_NONUS to
> the 1 CD. Some servers are horribly outdated (e.g. still carry potato),
> others don't carry any images anymore.
> Myself, I've given up trying to fix this for various reasons - if anybody
> were to give it a try, that would be splendid! Roughly, steps involved are
> (all IMHO):
>  - Fix debian-cd to make image names consistent for jigdo and non-jigdo
>    images (difficult, there are reasons for the current state of things...)
>  - Set up a master CD server on a debian.org machine (difficult because
>    not everyone agrees that one is needed at all, and because the people on
>    debian-admin are overworked and have to be persuaded too, etc...), find
>    a way of granting mirror admins access to the master server in a way
>    which doesn't let one person do all the work.

This is essential to having a good set of mirrors around, IMO as a mirror
maintainer. An authorative master server with an authorative directory

I have a machine that could be used. We originally got it to be one of the
syncproxy machines for europe, but this can be the main duty for it, just
acting as fail-over for the other server.

Machine info: 2x1.5GHz athlon. 2 gigs of ram. Enough disk space. 100
megs/s single stream read. 30 megs/s write/multiple stream read. Gigabit
networking that has been benchmarked to 50 megs/s to ftp.nl.d.o. If you
want to do your own testing, http://farbror.acc.umu.se/dev/1000M, remember
to increase your tcp window size if you want decent throughput.

Downside is that it is not admined by the debian admin team. Upside is
that it is not admined by the debian admin team.

>  - Optional, but very cool: A system which tracks which CD mirrors are up
>    to date. Checking the servers is fairly easy (IIRC Joey Hess even wrote
>    a script a while ago), integrating the info into the web pages less so.

This would be good to keep the mirror list up to date, right now this
seems to be a big issue for new users.

>  - Come up with one standard way of mirroring. Unfortunately, jigdo-mirror
>    was not accepted by most admins, probably because it is "non-standard"
>    and because being a shell script, it might appear to be a hack.

I think rsync is the way to go, using jigdo as an early access tool for
mirrors the first couple of days after release before allowing anon rsync
access to the master server. Sure, it is not optimal, but it is a simple
solution for mirror maintainers, and the easier it is for them, the more
mirrors we'll have.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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