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Re: Boot Floppy Image?

On Jul 01, Matthew Tedder wrote:
> Does anyone know of the existance of a boot floppy image for
> installing Woody?
> I downloaded the 8 CD images, but no floppy image appears to exist
> on the first one under the install directory that would start an
> installation program.  This is a problem for me, because the test
> system I am trying to use does not boot off the CD ROM.

Floppy images are under dists/woody/main/disks-$ARCH/; probably you
want ones from the images-1.44 directory.

As an alternative, you can use the sbm.bin image as a floppy image; it
will let you boot the CD without needing bootable CD support.

Chris Lawrence <chris@lordsutch.com> - http://www.lordsutch.com/chris/

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