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[Roland Mas <lolando@debian.org>] Re: debian-installer status -- 2002-10-14

I guess this is yours and not our court. :)

--- Begin Message ---
Tollef Fog Heen (2002-10-14 16:52:28 +0200) :


> The debian-cd team has been busy with integrating d-i into their
> build scripts, and things are forming up.  We actually have bootable
> (but not installable) CD images.  Great work by the CD team.
> So what happens next?


> - CD images need to be tested, the bugs fixed and we should be able
> to do more thorough testing of sarge


> As always, help, ideas and comments are appreciated.

Here's an idea (maybe a bit late, but I just ran into the problem
today): since the snapshot Sarge CDs are made available through Jigdo
(which is a great idea), and since they are meant to have as large an
audience as possible, would you make the appropriate files (*.jigdo
and *.template) available through anonymous rsync?  I had to wget -r
to get them, and that gives me lots of unneeded files (HTML stuff
mostly).  And it's hard to keep up-to-date.


PS: Please honor the M-C-T header, either through your MUA of by hand.
Roland Mas

Sauvez un arbre, tuez un castor.

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--- End Message ---

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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