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Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available.

On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 12:28, Attila Nagy wrote:

> The two behaviours I've seen so far:
> - they just don't care and are waiting for updates from
>   cdimage.debian.org, where they've used to mirror from
> - they did a search and found jigdo, but don't know what is that (they are
>   now learning :)
> - they already got the files with some manual magic (jigdo, download from
>   another site, etc)
> This release method saves lot of internet pipes from being saturated. :)

Yeah, it's working for me :-)

This is the first time in, er, probably all the releases since open has
existed, when I can get on the machine after a release, and not really
notice a serious difference from a normal day --- pretty astounding.

And all the people who've bothered to look into jigdo, and then
mentioned it to me, seem to have got it working, and ended up with CDs
faster and easier than they've ever managed with rsync.

Good job Richard.  Well done :-)

Cheers, Phil.
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