Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available.
> Yeah, then you have the whole weekend to get the stuff and set it up
> before most people wake up to the news.
Including me (I'm not in the vicinity of computers on the weekend). :)
> Yes, if you don't know how to use jigdo, you won't be able to get isos
> from the master sites (at least not yet for a while).
This requires manual intervention, that's my only problem.
> The isos are available on though, but routing
> from there to your site is rather bad.
It seems that not the routing, but something else. I can't connect to that
machine, using rsync. (the port is open, but I don't get anything back) works fine.
> I am not aware of any other mirror with them online.
The case is trivial :)
The two behaviours I've seen so far:
- they just don't care and are waiting for updates from, where they've used to mirror from
- they did a search and found jigdo, but don't know what is that (they are
now learning :)
- they already got the files with some manual magic (jigdo, download from
another site, etc)
This release method saves lot of internet pipes from being saturated. :)
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Attila Nagy e-mail:
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