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Re: jigdo/debian-cd mirror layout standards

On Sat, 2002-07-20 at 11:23, Philip Hands wrote:

> OK, my current thoughts on CD image mirrors are that they should be laid
> out as the current 2.2 CDs are, but that we might as well dump the
> potato_test stuff, so we end up with:
>   some.mirror.org/debian-cd/3.0_r0/alpha/MD5SUMS
>   some.mirror.org/debian-cd/3.0_r0/alpha/debian-30r0-alpha-binary-1.iso
>                                          ... 
>   some.mirror.org/debian-cd/3.0_r0/arm
>                                    ...
>   some.mirror.org/debian-cd/3.0_r0/source/debian-30r0-source-1.iso

I should have said, if you want to establish such a mirror, you'll need
to use jigdo (probably jigdo-mirror) because I don't intend to have the
images available as images from *.cdimage.d.o until after the start
popping up in significant numbers on mirrors, because otherwise the
unruly hoards of clueless ones will swamp us, and stop anyone getting at
the jigdo snapshots etc..

When/if the CDs are made available on the master sites, all the CDs
except the NONUS ones will be available on us.cdimage.debian.org (raff),
while the NONUS CDs will be on non-US.cdimage.debian.org (open)

Even then, I think we should standardise on jigdo-mirror or similar as
the distribution mechanism.  Waiting for the master mirrors to publish
images, and then rsyncing the lot onto you server, will be frowned upon
unless you seek prior approval.

Cheers, Phil.
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|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
|(|  10 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London  E18 1NE  ENGLAND

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